Adam Jørring with DAEiNA Chairman Prof. Tim Bollerslev and Prof. Claus Pörtner during a presentation at the 2013 DAEiNA Meeting. © 2013 Nikolaj A. Harmon
Adam Jørring with DAEiNA Chairman Prof. Tim Bollerslev and Prof. Claus Pörtner during a presentation at the 2013 DAEiNA Meeting. © 2013 Nikolaj A. Harmon
This page contains various documents and links that are relevant to the organization and to Danes thinking about studying or working in economics in North America.
We have prepared a guide for Danish students interested in doing a PhD in North America. The guide (in Danish) contains various advice for Danish students who are interested in applying to PhD programs at American Universities, including advice on applying to schools and on how PhD programs are structured in the US.