Danish Academic Economists in North America

Prof. Nikolaj A. Harmon presents his work on labor market matching at the 2013 DAEiNA Meeting.

Prof. Nikolaj A. Harmon presents his work on labor market matching at the 2013 DAEiNA Meeting. © 2013 Nikolaj A. Harmon


DAEiNA was founded in April 2012 as an organization for Danes studying or working in economics in North America. Below you will find information on our mission statement as well as membership information.

You can also download our Bylaws (in Danish).

Mission Statement

The aim of Danish Academic Economists in North America (DAEiNA) is to improve the Danish contributions to economics - both scholarly and otherwise - by facilitating connections between Danish academic economists and the North American economics community.

DAEiNA aims to advance this goal by providing a network for Danish academic economists who have worked or studied in North America, by providing resources for students or others interested in coming to North America to study or work, as well as facilitating knowledge transfer between the Danish and American economics communities in other ways.


Any person with Danish citizenship who is working within economic research at a University or other non-profit in North America, or who is pursuing a doctoral degree at a North American university, can become a member of DAEiNA immediately by sending a request to the Chairman.

Persons who do not satisfy the above criteria but for whom membership of DAEiNA is relevant given our mission statement, can request special permission to become a member from the Chairman.

Once awarded, membership is permanent and does not have to be renewed.